How to Split a Toaster
A Divorce Podcast about Saving Your Relationships

Seth Nelson is a Tampa-based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective: saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
From an early age, he has always wanted to help people. After law school he found that he could do the greatest good by helping people through one of the most difficult times of their lives. Being a divorcee himself, as well as a father, he understands what you’re going through.
“I have been through a divorce and have a young child. As difficult as the divorce process can be, especially when there are kids involved, things will get better.”
In his practice, Seth focuses on Florida divorce law, Florida family law, and Florida family law mediation. On the Toaster, however, he offers a platform for exploring the extraordinarily wide range of topics that impact you through your divorce, all with an eye on saving your most important relationships.
Season 9
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Navigating a High Conflict Divorce with Shannon Jenkins
Divorce is difficult enough, but how do you cope when your ex is a narcissistic sociopath? In today’s episode, Seth and Pete talk with Shannon Jenkins who recounts some of her challenges and how she’s created a better life for herself after doing just that.
Cryptocurrency, NFTs, and More with Sandra Radna
Sandra Radna joins Seth and Pete to talk about modern complexities in divorce, namely cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Plus, we have a listener question!
Overcoming Divorce and Breaking Through the Negative with Deborah Driggs
Deborah Driggs joins Pete and Seth in this episode to discuss her divorce, the challenges she’s gone through since, and how she’s taken what she learned to start helping others break through the negative and connect with their inner self before it’s too late.
Divorce Across the Pond: How Different Is It? with Nicole Phillips
We talk a lot about checking your local jurisdiction on the show, but what if you’re in England? How different are divorces there? In today’s episode, Seth and Pete are joined by solicitor and mediator Nicole Phillips to figure out what’s different and why.
Finding Post-Divorce Peace with Keith Wilson
Licensed mental health counselor Keith Wilson joins Seth and Pete to talk about the challenges of finding peace and reconciliation after your divorce, as well as some tools you can use to do so.
What’s the Scoop with Prenups? Understanding Prenuptial Agreements
Seth and Pete talk about the world of prenups, better known as prenuptial agreements. But there’s also postnups. What’s the difference? And do prenups really equate to a higher chance of getting divorced?
Finding Love Again When Your Picker’s Broken with Matchmaker April Davis
April Davis, matchmaker extraordinaire and owner of LUMA – Luxury Matchmaking – joins Seth and Pete today to talk about finding that connection after you’re done with your divorce.
Surviving Your Last Marriage’s Half-Life with Brittany Bliss & Reid Givens from Brittany and the Blisstones
Brittany Bliss and Reid Givens, the musical couple behind Brittany and the Blisstones, join Pete and Seth to discuss their experience navigating dual divorces, family separations, and how they rebuilt their lives and identities together – after building lives for nearly two decades with other partners came to an end.
It’s Not an Oil Change: Using Divorce Road Map 2.0 with Karen Covy
Pete & Seth are joined by divorce professional Karen Covy to talk about her Divorce Road Map 2.0 and the challenges of turning the emotions during a divorce into an intellectual focus. It’s all about using your divorce lawyer more smartly.
Divorce in the Military with Attorney Paul Phipps
Seth and Pete are joined by fellow attorney at NLG Paul Phipps, a former US Army Military Policeman, to talk about divorce in the military.
Navigating Financial Infidelity with Wealthspire’s Aviva Pinto
Infidelity is never a word someone wants to hear when it relates to their own marriage, but did you know that could apply to the bank accounts too? Today, we talk with Aviva Pinto, a Managing Director and member of the Advisory Committee at Wealthspire Advisors, about financial infidelity. We also dig into rebuilding your credit and alimony as well.
Codependent No More! with Licensed Mental Health Counselor Mary Joye
Seth and Pete look at co-dependency in relationships today with their guest Mary Joye, licensed mental health counselor and Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator. What happens when support in a marriage turns unhealthy? How can co-dependent behavior impact the marriage process? And the divorce process? And why don’t we start calling it pathological altruism, which is what it is?
De-Escalating Conflict with Divorce Coach Cherie Morris
Seth and Pete are joined this week by divorce coach Cherie Morris to talk about de-escalating conflict. What part of the divorce process is most ripe for conflict? How do you learn to let go of control and accept things as they are? And how do you figure out if your’e the one causing high conflict?
So Similar Yet So Different: Check Your Local Jurisdiction with Courtney Shepard
We say it in pretty much every episode – “Check your local jurisdiction.” But what does that really mean? Why are there such diverse differences from state to state? Family law specialist Courtney Shepard joins us from so we can dig into why laws are so different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and how you can navigate them in your own divorce.
Two Sides to Everything: Duking It Out with Opposing Counsel Michael Lundy
You always hear about the notorious ‘opposing counsel,’ but are they like you’ve seen in the movies and TV? Michael Lundy has been on the opposite side of the table from Seth, so we invited him on this episode to help us all better understand what to expect from the other side and why you don’t want to go to trial.
Will Divorce Hurt College Planning? Answers with College Financial Prep’s Vicki Vollweiler
Vicki Vollweiler helps parents and students finance their college experience. If you’re in the process of a divorce, Vicki has some things for you to think about to make sure you don’t make it harder for your kiddo to get the money they need to get educated!
On Grief, Loss, and Family
Both Pete and Seth lost a parent in the last year. This week, they address the experience of grief and loss and how that experience impacts your day-to-day reality in some unpredictable ways.
Holding Your Head High Through Divorce with Elizabeth Ann Atkins
Author Elizabeth Ann Atkins helps us keep the focus on a successful divorce outcome while everything else in the divorce process gets ugly!
Forgiveness and Brighter Futures After Divorce with Twyla M. Marks
How do you find peace in the process? This week’s guest is Twyla M. Marks, host of “Divorce Talk with Twyla” and survivor of her own toxic divorce, here to share how forgiveness forges new paths.
A Post-Divorce Valentine's Day to Remember
Whatever your position on Valentine's Day as a holiday, there's no denying the cultural charge of romantic expectation around us. What do you do when you run into your first post-divorce Valentine's Day? Stories from listeners who've done it this week on the show.