How to Split a Toaster
A Divorce Podcast about Saving Your Relationships

Seth Nelson is a Tampa-based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective: saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.
From an early age, he has always wanted to help people. After law school he found that he could do the greatest good by helping people through one of the most difficult times of their lives. Being a divorcee himself, as well as a father, he understands what you’re going through.
“I have been through a divorce and have a young child. As difficult as the divorce process can be, especially when there are kids involved, things will get better.”
In his practice, Seth focuses on Florida divorce law, Florida family law, and Florida family law mediation. On the Toaster, however, he offers a platform for exploring the extraordinarily wide range of topics that impact you through your divorce, all with an eye on saving your most important relationships.
Season 9
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Co-Parenting in the Movies: A Special Holiday Crossover Event with The Next Reel Film Podcast
Happy holidays! Once again, Andy Nelson – our producer and co-host of The Next Reel Film Podcast – joins us for a conversation about movies. This time, we’re talking about movies featuring co-parenting and we’ve each got our lists ready!
Co-Parenting During the Holidays
‘Tis the season... for co-parenting conflicts...? Seth and Pete talk about co-parenting during the holidays, why it’s so challenging, and ways you can avoid conflict. Travel days. Emergency motions. Gifts. Splitting holidays. They cover the gamut. Tune in!
Rebroadcast • How Not to Be an A-Hole In Your Marriage with Brian Ronalds
In this Toaster rebroadcast from season 2, author Brian Ronalds joins us to talk about his series of books designed to guide you through your marriage assuming that you don’t actually want it to end: "How Not to be an A-Hole Husband and Lose Your Wife," and (among others) it’s partner, "How Not to be an A-hole Wife and Lose your Husband."
Rebroadcast • Holding Your Head High Through Divorce with Elizabeth Ann Atkins
In this rebroadcast episode, author Elizabeth Ann Atkins helps us keep the focus on a successful divorce outcome while everything else in the divorce process gets ugly!
Rebroadcast • But What About the Dog?: Karis Nafte & Pet Custody Issues
Love hurts. And when you’re on the precipice of divorce, specific circumstances of your relationship don’t matter as much as the grief and loss you feel as you prepare to walk away from your relationship. This week on the show, we’re talking about the push and pull that comes when you realize you’ve reached the end, but you’re not sure how to start the next chapter.
Rebroadcast • Overcoming Divorce and Breaking Through the Negative with Deborah Driggs
Deborah Driggs joins Pete and Seth in this episode to discuss her divorce, the challenges she’s gone through since, and how she’s taken what she learned to start helping others break through the negative and connect with their inner self before it’s too late.
Shedding the Light on Gaslighting with Dr. Deborah Vinall
Dr. Deborah Vinall, author of Gaslighting: A Step-by-Step Recovery Guide, joins Seth and Pete to guide those facing a gaslighting spouse toward awareness and healing, as well as what to be aware of when it comes to them gaslighting the kids.
Getting in Good Relationship Shape with Roy Biancalana
Roy Biancalana joins Seth and Pete to talk about getting back out there post-divorce. How do you make sure you’re in good relationship shape? Roy’s here with some advice!
Meet Your Paralegal: A Conversation with Stacy Recinella
You’ve likely heard of paralegals before, but what does a paralegal do? Do you have to hire them too? Or does your lawyer bring them along? Are they like junior lawyers or are they their own profession? And why should your paralegal be your best friend for your own divorce case? Stacy Recinella, one of the paralegals at NLG Divorce & Family Law, joins Seth and Pete on today’s show to talk about her role in your case.
Who Gets the Church? with Josh & Kristy Groce
Josh & Kristy Groce join Seth and Pete to talk about the complex relationship between divorce and the church. Why is it still so difficult to navigate these waters? And what sort of complexities does your relationship with your church bring up before, during, and after your divorce? It’s a great conversation so tune in!
Navigating Custody Battles with Reneé Rodriguez
Reneé Rodriguez, custody coach and founder of Best Foot Forward, joins Seth and Pete to talk about the challenges in custody battles, specifically how to navigate contentious custody situations during your divorce.
The 12-Step Divorce Recovery Approach with Karen McMahon
Karen McMahon is a Certified Relationship and Divorce Coach and Founder of Journey Beyond Divorce. She joins Seth and Pete to talk about her 12-Step Divorce Recovery Program, calming your monkey mind, fact and fiction in your divorce, mindfulness, and more.
Marriage Equality and Divorce Equality with Author Steven Petrow
Award-winning journalist and best-selling author Steven Petrow joins Seth and Pete on the Toaster today to discuss divorce between same-sex couples. The law is the law is the law, but there’s a lot more to it than just that. We’ve got a lot to talk about in this episode and we know you’ll enjoy it, so tune in!
Navigating Disagreements Over Vaccinations and More with Lisa Zeiderman
Lisa Zeiderman joins Seth and Pete to talk about the challenges when you change over time. It can lead to divorce. It can also lead to difficult situations like arguments about whether to get your child vaccinated. People change, but it makes things complicated during divorce and we’re here to talk about it.
De-Escalating Conflict in the Divorce Process (and Beyond...) with Doug Noll
De-escalating conflict is a hard skill to master but even more challenging when you’re going through a divorce. Doug Noll, the de-escalation expert, joins Seth and Pete on the show today to give you some understanding about why you’re losing your head, how to recognize it, and how to de-escalate.
Behavioral Change Before, During, and After the Divorce Process with Kurt Nelson
Joining Seth and Pete in today’s episode, we have behavioral scientist Kurt Nelson joining in to discuss the challenges of changing behaviors, particularly during the divorce process. How does this affect you? Tune in!
What the Hell Are QDROs and How Do I Deal With Them in My Divorce? with Matt Lundy
What do you do when your divorce involves a QDRO? Do you even know what that means or who to reach out to? Luckily, our guest on today’s episode has the inside scoop. Join Seth and Pete as they talk with Matt Lundy about QDROs and how to navigate the world of sorting out money in your various retirement accounts.
Helping Your Children Deal with Grief from the Divorce with Sara Hadgraft
Sara Hadgraft joins Seth on today’s show to talk about the complex process of helping your children deal with grief as you go through your divorce. They talk about seven ways to help your children grieve your divorce along with many other topics.
Violence in the Divorce Process with Sabrina Osso from Osso Safe
Sabrina Osso from Osso Safe joins Seth and Pete to talk about violence in the divorce process, how to recognize when you’re being abused, how to talk to your lawyer about your abuse, helping friends who are being abused, and more.
A Judge’s Perspective on Divorce Court: Chatting with Judge Wesley Tibbals
May it please the court! We’ve got a special guest today who knows a thing or two about the workings of divorce court, and that’s because he’s a judge! That’s right, we figured it was about time that we had an actual judge on to make sure we’re not just making stuff up. Judge Wesley Tibbals talks with Pete and Seth today about life behind the bench in divorce court.