Hope Lelekacs Hope Lelekacs

How Does Forensic Accounting Apply to Your Divorce?

Navigating the financial intricacies of a divorce can sometimes feel like piecing together a complex puzzle. Forensic accountant, Kristin DiMeo, breaks down how we follow the money trail to ensure fair resolutions for both parties.

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Hope Lelekacs Hope Lelekacs

Divorce: What is Equitable Distribution?

Navigating the waters of divorce can be tricky, especially when it comes to splitting assets. Many people assume that it is as simple as a 50/50 division. However, under Florida law, that’s not always the case.

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Divorce & Children, FAQ Seth R. Nelson Divorce & Children, FAQ Seth R. Nelson

How is Child Support Calculated?

Child support is defined as the long-term payments one parent makes to another for childcare costs. Unlike alimony, it is almost entirely based on an objective mathematical calculation. There is little wiggle room. Also, unlike alimony, the duration doesn't depend on the marriage's length. Instead, it is based on the ages of the children.

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