How to Split a Toaster

A Divorce Podcast about Saving Your Relationships

Seth Nelson is a Tampa-based family lawyer known for devising creative solutions to difficult problems. In How to Split a Toaster, Nelson and co-host Pete Wright take on the challenge of divorce with a central objective: saving your most important relationships with your family, your former spouse, and yourself.

From an early age, he has always wanted to help people. After law school he found that he could do the greatest good by helping people through one of the most difficult times of their lives.  Being a divorcee himself, as well as a father, he understands what you’re going through.

“I have been through a divorce and have a young child. As difficult as the divorce process can be, especially when there are kids involved, things will get better.”

In his practice, Seth focuses on Florida divorce law, Florida family law, and Florida family law mediation. On the Toaster, however, he offers a platform for exploring the extraordinarily wide range of topics that impact you through your divorce, all with an eye on saving your most important relationships.

Season 9

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Pete Wright Pete Wright

Life as a Divorcée

We've talked to a string of guests, all specialists in some aspect of the divorce process supporting the legal process itself. This week, Jamie Ainsworth sits down in the Toaster to talk about her experience getting divorced to tell us what we missed.

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Pete Wright Pete Wright

But What About the Dog? Karis Nafte & Pet Custody Issues

Following up on last week’s conversation about dividing personal property, we realized that pets are considered property too. But you can’t actually split them, so what do you do? Turns out, that’s what the Pet Custody Expert is for. We invite Karis Nafte to the Toaster, a dog trainer and animal specialist who is also an internationally accredited family mediator who helps people figure out what Fido wants.

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Pete Wright Pete Wright

Protecting the Smallest Voices: Courtney Bowes and the Guardian ad Litem

From deep in the files labeled, “people you didn’t know you needed in your corner during your divorce,” we bring you the Guardian ad Litem. We welcome Courtney Bowes to the Toaster, a Guardian ad Litem who works with children to ensure their voices don’t get lost in an otherwise noisy process.

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